Working from home today and most likely tomorrow. For some reason, cats like to walk on my keyboard. Thanks to some absurd shortcuts, my applications start acting up. It will be perfect if they can walk backwards the exact same way...
All of our four babies found homes. We will have to enjoy our remaining time with them.
Little faces, chubby bellies, and furry tails. All kittens/animals are precious but our Siberians are sonething special. Kittens are 9 weeks and 1 day old. Proof that the time flies by.
Browny is the first one to get out of the den. He helped his brother Big White Socks get out too. Little White Socks and Blacky are next. It's like he is telling everyone else how this is done.
Kittens are 9 weeks old. They are growing like weeds. They will definitely become big cats. It's really cool to watch them restle or chase each other. Cannot get enough of them.
I am in front of my computer and there are kittahs everywhere. One of them is sleeping on my cell phone. Other one took over the mouse. One of them is totally excited about the sound of keystrokes. He is "helping" me type. Mommy and two others are on my right. They are everywhere.